Agriculture isthe utilization of biological resourcesby humans to producefood, industrial raw materials or energy sources, as well as to manage the environment. The utilization of biological resources are included in ordinary farmingpeople understood as cultivation orfarming (English: crop cultivation) and enlargement of livestock (raising), although the coverage may also be the use of microorganismsand bioenzim in the processing of advanced products, such as cheese making andtempeh, or just mereextraction, such as fishing or forest exploitation.
The lion's share of the world population livelihood in these areas in the scope of agriculture, but agriculture onlyaccounted for 4% of world GDP. Indonesia's history since the colonial periodto the present can not be separated from agriculture and plantations, as the sector - this sector hasgreat significance in determiningthe formation of various economic and social realities in differentparts of Indonesia. Based on BPS datain 2002, Indonesia's agriculturalsector provides employment to approximately 44.3% of the population although only accounted for about 17.3% of the totalgross domestic product.
Group study of agricultural sciences agricultural sciencessupport supporters. The core of the agricultural sciences is biology and economics. Since agriculture is always bound by time and space, supporting sciences, such as soil science, meteorology, agricultural engineering, biochemistry, and statistics, are also studied in agriculture. Farming (farming) is the core part of the farm because it involves a set of activities performed in cultivation. Farmers is a term for those who conduct farming, for example "tobacco farmer" or "fish farmers". Actors livestock farming (livestock) specifically referred to as a breeder.
Domestication of dogs suspected of having committed even when people do not know the culture (society hunting and gatherers) and is the first farm activities. Agricultural activities (crops and livestock) is one of the activities of the earliest known human civilization and culture change total shape. Experts generally agree that prehistoric farming first developed about 12,000 years ago from a culture in the "fertile crescent" in the Middle East, which includes the area of the Tigris and Euphrates valley stretches to the west to the region of Syria and Jordan now. Evidence suggests that first encountered the cultivation of grain crops (cereals, especially wheat kuna like Emmer) and legumes in the area. At that time, 2000 years after the end of the last Ice Age in the Pleistocene era, the majority in many forests and fields found very suitable for the beginning of agriculture. Agriculture has been recognized by people who have reached young rock culture (Neolithic), bronze and megaliths. Agricultural changing forms of trust, of the worship of the gods of the hunt to the worship of the gods symbol of fertility and food availability.
Cultivation techniques and extends to the west (Europe and North Africa, at that time is not yet Sahara desert) and east (to East Asia and Southeast Asia). Evidence of China showed barley cultivation (millet) and rice since 6000 BC. Southeast Asian societies have known rice cultivation at least 3000 years BC and Japan and Korea since 1000 years BC. Meanwhile, the American continent to develop the cultivation of plants and animals since the beginning is completely different.
Livestock was first domesticated goats / sheep (7000 years BC) and pigs (6000 years BC), together with the domestication of the cat. Cattle, horses, water buffalo, yak was developed between 6000 to 3000 years BC. Birds began to be cultivated more later. Silkworm are known to have bred 2000 years BC. Raising new freshwater fish known since 2000 years ago in China and Japan. Raising fish known to man in the new even the 20th century was.
Cultivation of vegetables and fruits have long known humans. Ancient Egyptian Society (4000 years BC) and Ancient Greek (3000 years BC) have been well acquainted with the cultivation of grapes and olives
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