Oil palms are cultivated are of two types: E. guineensis and E. oleifera. The first type is the largest cultivated people. of two palm species have their respective advantages. E. guineensis has very high production and E. oleifera plant has a low height. many people are crossing two species for species of high production and easy harvesting. E. oleifera now began to be cultivated also to increase the diversity of genetic resources. Breeders often based on the type of oil palm shell thickness, which consists of
• Dura,
• Pisifera, and
• Tenera.
Dura is a palm whose fruits have a thick shell that is considered shorten processing machines but usually big fruit bunches and oil content per tandannya about 18%. Pisifera men did not have a shell, so it has no core (kernel) oil producing economical and sterile female flowers produce fruit that is very rare. Tenera is a cross between Dura and the male parent Pisifera. This species is considered to complement the shortage of seeds for each parent by nature of the thin shell of the fruit, but flowers remain fertile females. Some tenera winning percentage of flesh per fruit has reached 90% and the oil content per tandannya can reach 28%.
For mass breeding, tissue culture techniques are now being used.
For mass breeding, tissue culture techniques are now being used.
Palm oil is used as raw material for cooking oil, margarine, soaps, cosmetics, steel, wire, radio, leather and pharmaceutical industries. Palm oil can be used for such diverse designation for the excellence of its nature that is resistant to high-pressure oxidation, a chemical capable of dissolving insoluble by other solvents, have high power layering and does not cause irritation to the body in the field of cosmetics. [1]
The most popular for processing of oil palm fruit. Part pulp producing crude palm oil is processed into cooking oil feedstock and various types of derivatives. Excess oil is a vegetable oil of low price, low cholesterol, and has a high carotene content. Palm oil is also processed into raw materials margarine.
Core oil into petroleum feedstock alcohol and cosmetics industries. Flowers and fruit in the form of bunches, branched. The fruit is small, blackish-red when ripe. Solid flesh. Meat and fruit skins contain oil. The oil is used as cooking oil, soap, and candles. The waste is used to feed livestock. Pulp called palm kernel cake is used as an ingredient manufacture chicken feed. Shell is used as fuel and charcoal.
The fruit is processed by making the meat soft fruit with a temperature of 90 ° C. Meat that has been softened forced to part with the core and shell by pressing the hollow cylinder engine. Meat core and shell are separated by heating and pressing techniques. After that flowed into the mud so that the rest of the shells would fall into the bottom mud. The remaining potential oil palm fruit processing into animal feed ingredient and fermented into compost.
Habitat is an area of scrub. Palm can grow well in the tropics (15 ° N - 15 ° S). The plant is fully grown at an altitude of 0-500 m above sea level with a humidity of 80-90%. Oil requires a stable climate with rainfall, 2000-2500 mm a year, which is the area that is not flooded when it rains and drought when dry. Annual rainfall patterns influence behavior palm flowering and fruit production.
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