Oil palm was brought to Indonesia by the Dutch government in 1848. Some seeds are planted in the Bogor Botanical Gardens, while the rest of the seeds planted at the edges of the road as an ornamental plant in the Deli, North Sumatra in the 1870s. At the same time meningkatlah vegetable oil demand due to the Industrial Revolution the middle of the 19th century. From here then came the idea to make palm oil based plant selection from Bogor and Deli, the type of oil dikenallah "Deli Dura".
In 1911, plantations were cultivated and grown commercially by pioneering in the Dutch East Indies was Adrien Hallet, a Belgian, who then followed by K. Schadt. The first oil palm plantations are located on the East Coast of Sumatra (Deli) and Aceh. Plantation area reached 5123 ha. Captive breeding center and then incorporated in Marihat (known as AVROS), North Sumatra and in Rantau Panjang, Kuala Selangor, Malaya 1911-1912. In Malaya, the first plantation was opened in 1917 in the field Tenmaran, Kuala Selangor use of Deli dura seed Rantau Panjang. In West Africa alone planting of large-scale oil palm started in 1910.
Until the Japanese occupation, the Dutch East Indies is a major supplier of palm oil. Since the Japanese occupation, the production declined to only one-fifth of the number in 1940. Efforts to increase the period of the Republic carried out with the program Bumil (labor-military) were not successful in improving results, and then taken over by a major supplier of Malaya (then Malaysia). New since the New Order era encouraged the expansion of planting area, combined with PIR plantation system. The expansion of oil palm plantations continue due to rising oil prices so that the role of rising vegetable oil as an alternative energy. Some palm trees planted in the Bogor Botanical Gardens until now still alive, with a height of about 12m, and is the oldest oil palm in Southeast Asia from Africa.

Oil palm (Elaeis) is an important industrialplants producing cookingoils, industrial oils, and fuels (biodiesel). Plantations produce large profits so many old plantationforests and converted into oil palm plantations. Indonesia is the largest palm oilproducer in the world. In Indonesia, the spread in the Aceh region, the east coast of Sumatra, Java and Sulawesi.
African Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis)
Oil palm tree shaped. Height can reach 24 meters. Root fibers of oil palm plantations leads to the bottom and sides. There are also some breathing roots that grow above leads to the side to earn extra aeration. As with other types of palm, pinnate compound leaves composed. Dark green leaves and colored midrib slightly younger. Its appearance is somewhat similar to the plant bark, it's just a thorn that is not too loud and sharp. Midrib former plant stems covered until the age of 12 years. After 12 years of dried sheath will be released so that the appearance is similar to coconut.
Separate male and female flowers, but are on the tree (monoecious diclin) and had a different maturation so that self-pollination is rare. Male flowers have a taper shape and length while the female flowers appear larger and bloom. Palm trees with shell type Pisifera are female sterile so it rarely produces fruit bunches and in the production of seeds is used as a male elders.
Palm fruit has the color varies from black, purple, to red depending on the seeds used.
Fruit clustered in bunches emerging from each sheath. Oil is produced by the fruit. Oil content increases according fruit maturity. After passing the mature phase, the content of free fatty acids (FFA, free fatty acid) will increase and the fruit will fall off by itself.
Eksoskarp, the reddish rind and slippery.
Mesoskarp, fruit fibers
Endoskarp, protective shell nuclei
Palm kernel (kernel, which Actually]] his is the seed) is the endosperm and the embryo with high quality core oil content. Oil palm breeding generative manner. Ripe palm fruit in certain circumstances the embryo will germinate produce shoots (plumula) and going to the root (radicle).


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